News Items
Dili, March 23, 2013: H.E. the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, accompanied
by First Lady, Dr. Isabel Ferreira, and the presidential delegation, arrived
home, on Friday (22/3/2013), from the official visit to the Vatican.
During the Press Conference at Nicolau Lobato Airport,
the President said that he “was happy, on behalf of the nation, to have
participated in the Inaugural Mass of the Holy Father.” President Matan
Ruak added also that “it was an opportunity to greet and
congratulate the Pope, as Head of State and on behalf of the Timorese people
invited him [the Pope] to visit our country.”
On the question from the Press about CPD-RDTL, President
Matan Ruak said that he was aware of recent events and is awaiting the coming
meeting with the Superior Council for Defense and Security to receive their
evaluation report: “I will see what comes out of this report on the developments of the
situation there, then possibly I will invite you all [the Press], and explain
why it is that the President appeals and asks strongly that there should be no
violence used and the President will explain to you and the entire nation the
President of the Republic’s position.” With the mandate completion, at the end of this month, of
current Prosecutor General, Dr. Ana Pessoa Pinto, the President reiterated that
as it stands there are 17 candidates (all Timorese) and that it will take some
more time before a decision is made and subsequently announced.
Recent Timor-Leste and Indonesia border developments (in
Oecusse) was also raised which the Head of State expressed his confidence in
all of the efforts being undertaken:“ Prime Minister [Xanana Gusmão] also raised this matter again with the
President of Indonesia. I’m very confident that this will be resolved. Also,
our Foreign Affairs Ministry is working very hard on this. We must all continue
working, together, to overcome these issues to further strengthen our
cooperation in all areas, including border management.”
The President concluded the Press Conference by addressing
recent reports of parliamentary comments pertaining to his official visit to
the Vatican:
“Firstly I want to thank the
parliamentarians for raising their concerns and I ask them for their
understanding that the President of the Republic had no plans to visit the
Vatican. At the suggestion of the Deputy Prime Minister (on late Thursday 14/3 afternoon) that
it would be a privilege for Timor-Leste to participate at the highest level, I
accepted and did not hesitate in having my staff prepare this visit.” Said
the President of Republic adding that “On Friday (15/3) I signed a notification to
the Parliament. Saturday (16/3) I departed. Time was limited
to do everything. Nevertheless, I expect that for future visit’s, that are
better planned, we may have more time for all Parliamentarians to express their
thoughts regarding the President’s visits.
The President thanked the
understanding of the Speaker of the House and all Parliamentarians for this